An ideal Ascorbic Acid for Poultry and Aqua.
Each Gram Powder Contains:
Vitamin C(L- Ascorbateacid) 99%
It is used to treat the deficiency symptom of vitamin c poultry and Aqua prevent
the various type of stress.
It maintain the water balance of Aqua And Poultry body system.
It is improves the FCR in poultry and Aqua
Fish Protects against any kind of disturbance such as transport-induced,
high concentration, increased hit, adverse environment, and subsequent disturbance with antibiotics.
Regular molting of shrimp to make the shell and help to brighten the shell.
To play a very effective role in any infection to especially tails, fins, red spots, etc.
Any infection in the fish helps to dry quickly.
Increases immunity and reduces mortality.
Cattle also control the body temperature of chickens.
Helps the uterus of cows to become fertile and conceive.
Controll of heat stress for Birds &Large Animals.
Dosage and Administration:
Prevention:1gm/5-7ltr water
Treatment:1gm/3-5ltr water
1-2gm/1kg feed/5-10 days
Treatment:3-5gm/1kg feed
Water:8-15gm/ per cubic meters
Store in a cool and dry place protected from light .keep out of the reach of children.
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